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So who's this Jess Boyer anyways?

I'm from a small town in rural central Pennsylvania, (Klingerstown, Pa). In 2012, I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Marywood University in Scranton, PA with a BFA in Graphic Design and an art history minor.

Ever since I was young, I wanted to become an artist. Arts and crafts have always been a big part of my life. In my free time I still love to do crafts like scrapbooking, making greeting cards, making jewelry, and taking photos.

I realized I needed to be a graphic designer, after becoming involved creating my high school’s yearbook, and I haven't looked back since. I truly love it and can't picture myself doing anything else. Please use the links below to view my resume.

I'm currently the Graphics Designer at Pine Creek Structures, while also working as a freelance designer in my spare time. I've worked with a variety of clients, from a local winery to a major blogging conference. I own a food blog called The PinterTest Kitchen, where my mother, sister, and I test out recipes from Pinterest and tell your whether they were a sucess or a PinterMess.

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