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Package Design

Melody Mountain Vineyards Wine Labels

Series of three labels for fictitious vineyard, based on a musical theme. The three wines include Symphony (a dry white zinfandel , Calypso (a sweet shiraz), and Encore (a riesling).

Design includes: front label in two pieces, back label, design to wrap around bottle neck, and design for on top on bottle.

Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop

'Brock's Blocks' Candy Blocks Package Design

Package design for candy blocks, including three color variations. Packages are stackable, creating opportunities for unique store displays. Package includes front window, nutritional facts/ingredients on back, and barcode on bottom.

Adobe Illustrator, & Photoshop 

Torvika Board Game Concept & Design

Torvika was created and developed as a group project focusing not only on design, but also the concept.

In a battle of last man standing, keep yourself immuned to the sickness of Torvika by staying as close to health as possible. Send other players through the levels of health to their death! Can YOU survive Torvika?

Project Teammates:
Victoria Wright & Jessica Meoni

Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop

'Sugar & Cents'
Shopping Bag

Shopping bag for a fictitious penny candy store named 'Sugar & Cents' with shakable glitter feature on front of bag.

Adobe Illustrator

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